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27.01.09 17:10
Sony introduces new colourful PSP in Japan

Sony has announced that the PSP will come in a new set of "Carnival Colours" in Japan starting March 5.

The new PSP units will cost a tax-inclusive price of 19,800 yen (about £157) with a 2200mAh battery or 24,800 yen (about £197) for a package that includes a 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo, PSP pouch, wrist strap, and cloth bundle.

The colours are officially called Radiant Red, Vibrant Blue, Bright Yellow, and Spirited Green. Sony is yet to announce whether these new models will make their way to North America or Europe in the near future, but the British public will no doubt have their fingers crossed.

16.12.08 9:43
Ready at Dawn Studios Reconsidering PSP Development?

Back in June, we reported that Ready at Dawn had packed up all of their devkits for the PSP after Chains of Olympus had gone gold in Japan. They were moving on and not looking back

Gamasutra recently reported that two out of the top five of Amazons best sellers for the PSP this week came from Ready at Dawn,  Chains of Olympus and Daxter.

They may be rethinking their plans. On their official website it was posted, "Maybe we should reconsider this whole ‘no more PSP games’ thing because we seem to be doing pretty good at it." Ready at Dawn never did explain why they ceased PSP production, but it would be exciting to see them back in to it again.

11.12.08 9:54
Playstation Network hits 14 million

In celebration of the PS3’s third birthday, Sony announced their official figures regarding their Playstation Network. 

The official number reported by Sony is 14million “active users”. This is roughly the same amount of people that are currently using Microsoft’s pay-to-play Xbox Live.

According to Sony, the active user count includes Playstation Network registrations on the PlayStation Portable. To guard against duplication in their user count, Sony does not count a registration made on the PS3 and then used on the PSP as two accounts. Sony declined to release figures detailing how many of their 14million PlayStation Network users are logging on with the PS3 and how many are using the PSP.

09.12.08 15:15
Atari says downloadable content is the PSP's future

A month or two back the PSP looked set for a real revival, but considering the big Christmas push ought to be in full thrape right now, the industry's gone decidedly PSP quiet. Eurogamer spoke to Atari's president Phil Harrison at the company's global showcase last week, noticing it had no announcements to make regarding forthcoming PSP support.

Harrison (who helped launch the PSP in a previous incarnation) was very positive about Sony's system, however, suggesting that Atari was more interested in creating downloadable content for the PSP rather than physical media.

"There is no doubt that PSP is a very vibrant platform from a hardware perspective and I think Sony has recently made some good moves into opening up online distribution for software on PSP, so I'm looking to explore that," he said.

04.12.08 12:16
PSP game Monster Hunter Portable Wins Award

PSP game Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G has won the Double Platinum prize in SCEJ's PlayStation Awards 2008 ceremonies where developers and publishers were given huge pats on the backs for their excellent PSP, PS3, and/or PS2 games. The event was held in Japan.

To give you an idea of how huge Capcom's achievement is for bagging double platinum with Monster Hunter Portable, there's also a PlayStation Award category for Platinum. And guess what? No one was awarded a Platinum prize. All other winners got the next best thing though - the Gold award.

27.11.08 9:41
School Uses PSPs To Help Deaf Children

A school in the UK is using PSPs to help children who are deaf or have seriously impaired hearing to learn sign language.

At Longwill primary school in Birmingham, every one of the school's deaf pupils has been given one of Sony's portable consoles. Teachers record British Sign Language (BSL) phrases using the PSP’s camera and children are able to play them back later or record their own phrases and then translate them to written English.

Deputy Head Alison Carter explains, "They improved by signing their stories to the camera, taking the PSP back to their desk and trying to translate what they had said in BSL into written English, which is their second language. That's been very successful."

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